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Beltane Blessings

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

Beltane Blessings! . Beltane is the Celtic celebration of the changing of the seasons to mark the Pastoral summer season. It falls on 31st October/1st November here in the southern Hemisphere. (not to be confused with the Northern hemisphere Autumn festival- Samhain/ Halloween Which we will celebrate in May)

Traditionally it is the celebrates the moving towards summer and fertility of the coming year. Bringing creativity and fruitful lives. A great time to gather energies set intentions and shine. Here are some tips to help you honour this awakening of summer.

1. Honour Nature

Go outside! Go for a walk, do some gardening. be out in the beautiful natural world. Listen, see, feel and smell. Feel the earth, mud or sand between your toes. As this Beltane falls on a full moon, this will also help keep you grounded and earth bound.

2. Light a Candle or bonfire

The symbolism of fire is cleansing, linked to purity and increasing fertility. but also to emulate the fire and the Waxing moon. Light and warmth gives us hope, guiding us in the dark moments.

3. Plant some Seeds or Flowers

'To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow'

Audrey Hepburn

Take a seed in your hand, meditate on your intentions, visualise your intentions growing, then plant it. Pick your favourite vegetables, fruit or flowers to grow.

4. Set New Intentions

Beltane as with all the wheel of the year celebrations is a good time to set intensions for the coming season. You can write down your wishes or prayers. Tie them with coloured ribbons to a tree of a plant. Let the wind blow them and imagine the elements and nature hearing them.

5. Gratitude to Friends and Family

Share your love and gratitude to those you love. Write a letter, pick up the phone, just remind those who mean something to you that they are in your thought, they may know it but it is always nice to hear 'you are loved'.

6. Invite Joy and Celebrate Beauty

Many customs still decorate trees, doors and even cattle with flowers, shells and ribbon. invite dance, enjoy good food, offer flowers invite joy into your life.

download this Free Beltane Blessing poster.

beltane Blessing
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For More info about Cyclical Living or the Wheel of the Year, join Andrea's Cyclical Creativity Course, or Private Cyclical Living Coaching.

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