The Spring Equinox is upon us! (And if you're on the other side of the world, happy Autumn Equinox!)
I’ve always been drawn to the Equinox; it marks that beautiful midpoint between the Solstices when we witness the seasons either speeding up and expanding, or slowing down and contracting, depending on where we are in the world.
During the Equinox, the sun shines directly on the equator, creating a perfect balance between day and night in both hemispheres. Here in South Africa, sunrise is at 05:57, and sunset is at 18:03.
This time represents balance—between day and night, light and dark, masculine and feminine, the inner and outer worlds, and the forces of contraction and expansion. It’s a perfect moment to reflect on the areas of our lives that might need more balance, whether in mind, body, or soul.
"Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, Penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing"
Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows
From now on, as the days grow longer and the light increases, our energies may also rise. Everything is awakening—birds, plants, blossoms—and we, too, are coming alive. The warmth returns, sparking creativity and helping the intentions we set earlier in the season to come to fruition.
The Spring Equinox not only symbolizes balance but also expansion.
Ask yourself: What areas of my life do I want to expand into? Where do I need to cultivate fertility and abundance? Here are my top tips for celebrating and honouring the Spring and the equinox.
Top ideas on how to honour the Spring Equinox

By embracing balance and allowing for expansion, you can align yourself with the energies of the Equinox and welcome this new season with a sense of joy, creativity, and harmony.
1. Journal
Take a moment to write down everything that is going well this year—whether it's your life in general, this month, or even just this cycle. This year Equinox falls just after the Full Moon, making it a great time to 'check in' with yourself. Reflect on your progress and what you're grateful for.
2. Bring Awareness
Through your journalling or meditation, notice any areas of imbalance in your life. Are there any small, simple solutions you can implement to bring yourself back into alignment? You don’t have to make sweeping changes. Start with baby steps as we shift into the new season. Focus on one or two easy things you can address.
3. Re-evaluate Your Sleep and Habits
As the days lengthen and nights grow shorter and warmer, your sleep and routines can be disrupted. Now is the perfect time to review your bedtime and morning routine and make adjustments before the early sunlight and or heat begins to affect your rest.
4. Eat Cyclically

With the arrival of spring comes an abundance of seasonal fruits and vegetables. What is in season in your area? What’s growing in your garden? Leafy greens like spinach, rocket, and sprouts are excellent choices to add to your meals, supporting your body’s natural rhythm with the season.
5. Let Go of Winter

We’re at the height of spring—flowers and blossom are out, and warmer weather is on its way. It’s time to pack away your thick winter clothes, declutter, and do a bit of spring cleaning. See this as an invitation to come out of hibernation and into full bloom, just like nature all around you.

6. Be Creative
My favourite tip; Let your creativity flow! Play with ideas, brainstorm projects, and allow yourself to be playful. There’s no need to focus on completing anything—just enjoy the creative process for its own sake. Sometimes, simply having fun is exactly what we need.
7. Bring Joy into Your Life
What little things can you do to bring more joy into your life? Maybe it’s something creative, or perhaps it’s an activity you love. In a world that constantly values productivity and consumerism, it’s important to engage in things that bring pure joy, without any other reason or goal in mind.

8. Connect with Nature
Get outside and immerse yourself in the season. What’s changing in your environment? What’s blooming? what are the birds, animals and insects doing? Pay attention to the sights, smells, and sounds of spring. Notice the shifts in nature as a reflection of the changes within you.

9. Invite Expansion
Open your windows, breathe deeply, and allow yourself to feel excited about the expansion of light and energy that this time of year brings. Watch a sunrise or sunset—witness the beauty of the light as it rises and sets, especially on the Equinox when day and night are perfectly balanced.
10. Embrace Your Cyclical Nature
Lastly, remember that everything is cyclical—while balance is beautiful, it’s also fleeting and temporary. The Equinox offers us a moment of perfect balance, but like the cycles of the seasons, it won’t last. If you’re feeling out of balance today, take comfort in knowing that everything comes back around—spring, summer, our breath, the moon. Trust in the natural rhythm of life.

Take a moment to ask yourself:
How are my energy levels?
Am I getting enough rest and sleep?
What is draining me or holding me back?
Is my home and work life balanced?
How are my moods and emotions?
If you notice any areas that feel off-balance, it may be time to adjust your lifestyle to better serve your needs.
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Journal tips for Equinox-
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