Menstruality is an emerging field of connecting self-discovery, and feminine empowerment with the menstrual cycle and transformative stages of a woman's life, from her first period to her last and beyond.
Menstruality views the menstrual cycle as more than just a biological process, recognising it as a journey that influences various aspects of life including self-kindness, self-actualisation, power, and spirituality.

Why learn about your cycles?
Connect and know yourself and your body deeper.
Understanding your own shifts in energy, emotions, creativity and social needs.​
Recognise your gifts and challenges of each stage or season of your menstrual cycle or Menstruality journey.​
Practical tips on how to take care of yourself and negotiate a non-cyclical minded 'real world'.​
Join the menstrual revolution in breaking taboos, healing our menstrual journeys for us and others.
Tune into you inner wisdom, intuition and help channel your passions, creativity or calling.