Imbolc marks the beginning of spring... Really? doesn't feel like it right? but in the Wheel of the Year, Imbolc word derives from Imbolg means ‘in the belly’- This refers to the pregnant ewes before the lambing season.
In the Northern Hemisphere, it is celebrated on the 1st of February and often associated with the 'Feast of St Brigid' (more on Southern and Northern Hemisphere Wheel of Year adaptations coming soon)
Symbolically we can see this as a time of ‘pregnancy' or expectance of the new... In the context of the year, it can mean new life growing under the surface waiting to awaken and burst out of the soil.
There is a power that lies underneath we know the trees and plants are quietly waiting. Honouring these moments helps us understand our own cyclical and creative nature.
Is there any space in your life that feels a bit dormant or stuck? Maybe it is just waiting for the right conditions to push through and grow.

Spring is around the corner, but isn't quite here yet; Winter has some unfinished business!
We can start to look forward to the future but before we do, we may need to clear out the old and make some space for new beginnings.
As with most things, we need time to get ready, rather than burst out unprepared.
We can do this by physically cleaning or clearing or just sitting and making space in your heart with new intentions.
Awakening from rest, planting seeds of intentions and bringing a playful and beginner's mind to our creative ideas.
1. Reflect on our Cyclical Nature
Wherever you may find yourself, today can be a good day of reflection and engaging with nature and the cycles of life.
What are the transitions in your cycle like? Honouring these moments in nature can help us understand our own cyclical nature, our menstrual cycles, creative processes and our life journeys.
2. Gratitude for winter

Start our farewell to the winter, send it on its way with love and gratitude. Say thanks for the quieter times, the rest, the dormant energy stored. The warmth of the fires, The warming nutritious food and comfort.
3. Light a candle or fire
Fire is a big aspect of marking the changing seasons (Remembering times before electricity to light our evenings). In ancient times bonfires would have been lit to mark these occasions. To continue to honour these transitions of seasons, you could simply light a candle and contemplate alone.

4. Have a Family Meal
We also thank the fire or ‘hearth’ for keeping us warm and alive in winter. Sit around your fire or light a candle and have a hearty family meal.
Hearth and home, home and hearth, welcoming close our family and friends. Home and hearth, hearth and home, the light returns as winter ends
5. Calling in the Spring

Visualise yourself in a space with a warmer sun, surrounded by light, buds growing, flowers starting to grow, and birds and animals full of activity. Maybe start to daydream new ideas and visions for the coming seasons.
6. Clean and Clear out
The traditions of the spring clean are rooted here, letting go to make space, awaken creativity and new ideas as well as making your home feel fresh. Take time to tidy, and clean your home even if it is just a corner or special space.

7. Go for a nature walk
Go for a walk and notice any signs of spring, any changing trees, bird activity, sights, smells, or a change in the air. Collects anything that you want to bring home. Things are always changing... What can you notice?

8. Set intentions
Just as we plant real seeds to grow, intentions are like seeds we plant in our hearts. What is your wish for the coming season? What do you want to step forward with? Also, what do you want to leave behind?
9. Create a space/ altar
Honouring the coming of spring by creating a space, altar or shelf. Maybe add something from nature, your candle, or just a vase of spring white flowers, A Brigid Cross. (Brigid was the goddess of fire, of the sun and of the hearth, also poetry, fertility).
10. Honour the feminine

The rising energy from now until summer solstice will be strong and bright and full of excitement, we need the feminine to balance this rising energy to keep us balanced grounded and nurtured. Simply tune in to your own needs and allow calm stillness every day.
Top Tips, Questions to Ask Yourself Before Spring...
I honour the season
Ideas- Journal, meditate on or share in a circle or with a listening Partner
What Jewels of wisdom are arising to the surface?
What beautiful abundance can I carry with me?
What would sparks of ideas have been hibernating in the winter stillness?
Write 3 things I am grateful for today.
What resources do I have for spring?
What abundance and love do you I have in life,
What are you grateful for today?
Spring Clean
Ideas- mini clear out, tidy some cupboards, Write down anything that is not serving my life at the moment, you can always symbolically burn it!
What can I let go of with Winter?
What do I want to invite in with Spring?
what playfulness can I bring to my life and body?
I Honour Nature
Ideas- Decorate homes with natural seasonal objects, buy or cut some flowers, or better plant some seeds inside or bring in some plants... Take a nature walk to witness life it's awakening.
What are the most beautiful things I notice in early spring?
I honour the moving outwards of nature and within myself.
I honour my creative energy
Ideas- play, doodle, get the paints out, write, skip dance or cook.
how can I invite renewal and creativity into my life?
how can I honour and respect the awakening of nature?
how can I bring child-like innocence to creativity?
Southern Hemisphere
Northern Hemisphere
For more info about the wheel of the year and celebrating our cyclical and creative nature, keep posted for more exciting blogs and info coming soon. www.ovathemoon.co.za